Siksika Language & Culture

SBE offers the Siksika (Blackfoot) Language and Culture K-12 Program

The Siksika Language and Culture is an important part of community connection. We encourage students to take their knowledge learned in class and share with their parents/guardians at home.
Student Outcomes
> Applications - Pookaiksi aakohtaomia’nistayissitapiiyaawa niitsi’powahssini. - Students will learn and apply Siksika (Blackfoot) at home, in school and in the community.
> Language Competence - Pookaiksi aakaisokai’tsi’poyiiyaawa. - Students will be effective, competent and comfortable as Siksika speakers.
> Community Membership - Pookaiksi aakayaahsopaatomoyiiyaawa ksaahkommiitapi ki noohkiitsimmiksi. - Students will live peacefully with Mother Earth, others and themselves, guided by the Creator.
> Strategies - Maanistaakohkottsokiitsi’poihpi pookaiksi aakaissksinima’ tsoohsiiyaawa. - Students will learn and use various strategies to maximize the effectiveness of learning and communication.
Siksika Language Lesson

Oki – Hello

Ii-taa-mik-kss-ka-nao-to-ni – Good Morning

Nitsiska’sim…(name) – My name is…(name)

Tsa kitsiska’sim? – What’s your name?

Oki, tsanitapi? – Hello, how is everything?

Sokapi – All is well

Kaitama’tsin – See you later


Ayo Apistokoki (Creator)
Ispomokinnaan (Help us)
Nahkayistsiyisinnaan (To listen)
Nahkaikimotsiyisinnaan (To be kind to one another)
Nahkayikakimahsinnaan (To try hard)
Nahkokamotohsinnaan (To be honest)
Nahkawatoyiitaksinnaan (To be spiritual)
Ohtokinnann, Apistotoki (Hear us, Creator)
Kimmis kokosiks (Have pity on your children)
Iksikimmatapsiya (They are in need)
Kaamotanni (Grant us safety)
Niistawatsimaani (Help us raise our families)
Naapiio’sini (So that they may live long lives)